Azure DevOps Pipeline. Azure Managed Instance for Apache Cassandra, Azure Active Directory for External Identities, Sistema operativo en tiempo real de Azure, Administración de costos y facturación de Azure, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops para Azure, Desarrollo de aplicaciones con poco trabajo de programación en Azure, Modernización de las aplicaciones y los datos, Centro de migración y modernización de Azure, Migración de sistemas centrales y de rango medio, Migración de bases de datos de código abierto, Azure IoT para lograr áreas de trabajo más seguras, Copia de seguridad y recuperación ante desastres, Proceso perimetral multiacceso privado (MEC) de Azure, Recursos para la situación generada por la COVID-19, Informes de analistas, e-books y documentos técnicos, Más información sobre la informática en la nube. Asegure canalizaciones rápidas de integración y entrega continuas(CI/CD) para todos los proyectos de código abierto. Learn how the team streamlined collaboration with the open source community through shared tooling and moving to a single CI system that powers all their builds for Windows, Linux and Mac. To do this, you will need to spin up the necessary infrastructure. What can be tricky if you need to dictate your pipeline/release based on the value from your code base or maybe the environment to which you are deploying to. Select the button in the middle (+ Variable group) to create our first group. Descubra soluciones en la nube seguras y preparadas para el futuro, en el entorno local, en un entorno híbrido o multinube, o en el perímetro. Consiga compilaciones rápidas y confiables en todas las plataformas gracias a la perfecta integración con las solicitudes de incorporación de cambios, las comprobaciones y los estados de GitHub. Utilice los datos para analizar imágenes, reconocer la voz y hacer predicciones. Póngase en marcha con facilidad, sea eficiente, mantenga la agilidad y crezca rápidamente con Azure para startups. The pipelines are designed to deploy to a qa environment and subsequently to production after an approval is given. Snowflake CI/CD using Flyway and Azure DevOps Pipeline - Part 1. YAML pipelines can get quite long and unclear over time. Ejecute archivos en paralelo en Linux, macOS y Windows. Enhance your service instantly, while making your life easy. Vea ejemplos de innovación de empresas de éxito de todos los tamaños y de todos los sectores. Azure Pipelines. Azure DevOps Pipelines: Reusable YAML. This post is going to build on the Azure DevOps project created in previous posts. You can explore and customize the pipeline as needed. Estación terrestre para la comunicación con satélites y servicio de programación conectado a Azure para la descarga rápida de datos. Aprenda cómo el equipo ha optimizado la colaboración con la comunidad de código abierto mediante herramientas compartidas y pasando a un solo sistema de CI que impulsa todas las creaciones para Windows, Linux y Mac. What makes this course unique is that you learn the foundation of CI/CD concept and then jump into the Azure DevOps in which you learn about its features to create pipelines. Run CI and CD pipelines to build and deploy the workflow: 1. You’ll need a way to build the various Azure DevOps components with the Azure CLI. Create your new pipeline. Many of our clients are breaking records, month-after-month, by adding this very basic element into their process. Azure DevOps pipeline design. It also explains the artifacts variables and download. Configure the CI Pipeline on Azure DevOps. Task 1: Creating Azure resources. Jose Miguel Rady Allende explains how to use Azure DevOps to track work, share code, and host, build, and deploy software in the cloud. Exercise 1: Configuring CI/CD Pipelines as Code with YAML in Azure DevOps. Ejecute sus cargas de trabajo de Windows en la nube de confianza para Windows Server. Cumpla los objetivos de sostenibilidad medioambiental y acelere los proyectos de conservación con tecnologías de IoT. To deploy Terraform using azure DevOps, we are going to create a new project, and we are going to name it : AzureDemoTerraform. Now we need to specify a few information like the following: Display name: The name of SSH task which will be displayed. Create a New Repository. Updating DNS records in an Azure DevOps pipeline is a simple and fast way to react to changes in your infrastructure. How we use Azure Pipelines See how the .NET infrastructure team at Microsoft relies on Azure Pipelines to run millions of automated tests a day for the .NET framework open source project. You must be in charge of managing client success. personal and productive client relationships. We simplify this for you. We've had a good experience in starting projects quickly with Azure DevOps services—managing, building and releasing applications to Azure . Be so relevant and meaningful to your clients, that they never leave your program. Conclusion. Compile, pruebe, distribuya y supervise sus aplicaciones móviles y de escritorio de forma continuada. Azure DevOps Services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also discover how to manage a project with the help of project management techniques such as Agile and Scrum, and then progress toward development aspects such as source code management, build ... Go to Pipelines -> Releases -> New Release Pipeline, then select the template Azure App Service deployment, list the stage name as DEV and click on Add an artifact. Step 2: Login into your Azure DevOps account. As a developer, you need to field a constant flow of requests for new features, updates, and bug fixes. By implementing an automated development workflow, you can more effectively keep up with these demands. 1. As a foundation to learning all-things Azure DevOps, Author and Instructor Shannon Kuehn will lead you through this course and teach you the following: 1. Azure DevOps Services for teams to share code, track work, and ship software. When using Azure DevOps Pipelines or Releases, it is pretty easy to move informations from the pipeline/release into the target artifact package or folder on the target environment. Theory on Infrastructure as Code (E.g. Cree soluciones de inteligencia perimetral con herramientas de desarrollo de primer nivel, soporte técnico a largo plazo y seguridad de nivel empresarial. Visualice la implementación en cualquier número de fases interdependientes. "We'll begin by exploring the basic needs of DevOps practices and in what way the on-premises DevOps implementations can be expensive to manage and use, especially if you are a startup. We know that many times we need to execute Azure DevOps pipeline triggers once a … Calcule el costo total de propiedad y el ahorro de costos que puede obtener. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 317This chapter explored different aspects of Azure DevOps and used the CoffeeFix. Console application for a basic scenario in creating a CI/CD pipeline for the CoffeeFix team. We explored different aspects of Azure DevOps, but we mostly ... To do this, you will need to spin up the necessary infrastructure. When you simply document what is important to the client, our management feature simplify. You can for instance call Azure Function when your pipeline succeeded. DESCRIPTIONÊ This book teaches you how to build, deploy, and manage the Azure Kubernetes Service cluster on both Linux and Windows operating systems. 0. Aprovisionamiento de aplicaciones y escritorios Windows en Azure con Citrix y Azure Virtual Desktop. Apart from continuous integration and continuous deployment with Azure DevOps, these pipelines are used to construct build-deploy-test workflows used mainly in continuous testing (CT). Change the way your clients think by giving them the insights they need to take informed action. Azure Test Plans. 771 views. The pipelines word has also been used loosely for the workflow or ordered set of actions within the same scope of CI / CD. 13. What are the benefits of investing in Azure DevOps consulting? The generated scripts will be included in the artifact. En Azure DevOps, los pipelines vienen en 2 sabores: compilación y liberación. (To install the extension , press the Get it free button at the top of this page.) Use las características de gobernanza integradas para asegurar el cumplimiento normativo. Azure DevOps Pipelines. These tools include: Azure Boards. The pipeline we are working with doesn’t have any specific places where this will be needed but let’s create a couple variable groups so we can see how they work. It makes all the difference in the lives of our clients. Create Azure DevOps Organization Pipeline — Add SSH Task. YAML Build Pipeline For .NET Core with Azure DevOps Forget the visual designer of Azure DevOps, in this tutorial I show how to create builds that are driven by YAML code that sits in your repository. Compile, pruebe e implemente todo lo que cree en GitHub. This post is going to build on the Azure DevOps project created in previous posts. And we will show you exactly how to do it. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 54Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to build and test your code automatically and make it available to other users. It works with just about any language or project type. Pipelines combines both CI and CD to test a build ... To run your pipeline using the extension, install the extension to your Azure DevOps organization. In this scenario you can configure the pipeline in User interface format so that QA and Dev team can use it and trigger the Build or deployment on Demand. Responda a los cambios más rápido, optimice los costos y realice envíos con confianza. Automatice las compilaciones y las implementaciones con Pipelines para poder dedicar menos tiempo a estos procesos y más a crear. Aproveche las compilaciones en varias fases y la facilidad de encadenamiento de compilaciones. In this post, we are going to refactor our sample Azure DevOps Pipeline to move some of the redundant YAML to a new file and replace the redundant parts of our main YAML file. Explore algunos de los productos de Azure más populares, Aprovisione las máquinas virtuales de Windows y Linux en segundos, Habilite una experiencia de escritorio remoto segura desde cualquier lugar, Instancia de SQL administrada y siempre actualizada en la nube, Base de datos NoSQL rápida con API abiertas para cualquier escala, Cree y escale aplicaciones con Kubernetes administrado, Implemente modelos de inteligencia artificial de alta calidad como API, Cree eficaces aplicaciones en la nube con rapidez para la Web y móviles, Todo lo que necesita para crear y operar un juego en vivo en una sola plataforma, Eventos de proceso con código sin servidor. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 182Prerequisites: You must have working knowledge of Azure DevOps. You need an account created with all Azure DevOps features or Azure DevOps pipelines using Azure DevOps services ( We want to make that as easy as possible for you and your clients. Azure Pipelines – being a DevOps tool, it definitely provides the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), also known as CICD pipelines to support the build and release of the application from development to production. This Customer Service Platform is designed to simplify what. Ofrezca redes, aplicaciones y servicios con una latencia ultrabaja en el perímetro empresarial. We thank you for the feedback and sharing your experience regarding your rental or event Big Red Bounce entertained. Cascadia Code CG. Transforme la experiencia de los clientes, genere confianza y optimice la administración de riesgos. Cree juegos, láncelos rápidamente, adáptelos de forma confiable a todas las plataformas y ajústelos con la ayuda de análisis. DevOps was easy with websites, but what about database AND data? Run: Choose to run either shell commands or a shell script on the remote machine. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 310More information on stages is can be found at https://docs. Job: This is a set of steps that is assigned to a pipeline agent. A pipeline that contains ... We want you to feel how easy that can be with everyone! It automatically tests the pandas code on Windows, Linux and Mac, and I can see results in one place. Migrate via Azure DevOps Pipelines. Microsoft-hosted Pipelines provides images for the 2 latest versions of macOS, Windows & Ubuntu. A step-by-step guide to implementing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery for Mobile, Hybrid, and Web applications KEY FEATURES a- This book covers all these practices that can be utilized in real-life scenarios with sample ... Azure DevOps services include a set of managed services such as hosted Git repos, CI and CD pipelines and artifact repository. Azure DevOps is a powerful tool to organize development tasks of an any project. Run: Choose to run either shell commands or a shell script on the remote machine. Amplíe la administración y los servicios de Azure a cualquier lugar, Cree la próxima generación de aplicaciones usando funcionalidades de inteligencia artificial para cualquier desarrollador y escenario. Migre sus aplicaciones de sistema central y de rango medio a Azure para reducir los costos de infraestructura. by Ned in the Cloud. Los pipelines de liberación se tratan de implementar ese código en los entornos. Cree, entrene e implemente modelos desde la nube hasta el perímetro, Búsqueda a escala empresarial para el desarrollo de aplicaciones, Cree experiencias de inteligencia artificial conversacional para sus clientes, Diseñe inteligencia artificial con análisis basados en Apache Spark™, Cree modelos de voz y visión artificial usando un kit de desarrollo con sensores de inteligencia artificial avanzados, Apply advanced language models to a variety of use cases, Recopile, almacene, procese, analice y visualice datos de cualquier variedad, volumen o velocidad, Aproveche las ventajas de un servicio de análisis ilimitado que permite obtener conclusiones con una rapidez inigualable, Solución unificada de gobernanza de los datos que maximiza el valor empresarial de los datos, Integración fácil de datos híbridos a escala empresarial, Aprovisione clústeres de Hadoop, Spark, R Server, HBase y Storm en la nube, Análisis en tiempo real de datos de streaming que se mueven rápidamente, Motor de análisis de nivel empresarial como servicio, Funcionalidad Data Lake segura y escalable de forma masiva basada en Azure Blob Storage, Servicio de exploración de datos muy escalable y rápido, Acceda a funcionalidad de proceso y escalado a petición en la nube, y pague solo por los recursos que use, Administre y escale verticalmente hasta miles de máquinas virtuales Linux y Windows, Servicio Spring Cloud totalmente administrado, creado y gestionado junto con VMware, Servidor físico dedicado para hospedar sus instancias de Azure Virtual Machines con Windows y Linux, Habilite la nube para la programación de trabajos y la administración de procesos, Hospedaje de aplicaciones empresariales de SQL Server en la nube. Agregue funciones web en tiempo real fácilmente. Azure DevOps services have replaced Visual Studio Team Services . Recently I have blogged a few posts relating to this, which I … It's designed for companies and individuals that seek meaningful. How we use Azure Pipelines See how the .NET infrastructure team at Microsoft relies on Azure Pipelines to run millions of automated tests a day for the .NET framework open source project. Motivate clients by showing them their progress. Candidates for this exam are DevOps professionals who combine people, processes, and technologies to continuously deliver valuable products and services that meet end user needs and business objectives. Los pipelines de compilación son la forma en que se compila, prueba y empaqueta el código. Generate enormous return and stability to your business when you keep clients engaged by driving them towards their goals. Extensions from Marketplace. Restore dependencies, build your project, and test with the .NET Core CLI task or a script. How does the azure pipeline work? What is IMPORTANT to each of your clients? To connect and run playbooks through Ansible VM in Azure pipelines, we need to have a connection between Azure DevOps and Ansible VM. This tests the changes in a fast and scalable routine. Choose the CI pipeline from the Azure pipelines project and click on ‘Run Pipeline’. Cree contenido con agilidad, colabore a distancia y ofrezca experiencias de cliente fluidas. Recursos compartidos de archivos de Azure de nivel empresarial basados en NetApp, Almacenamiento masivo de objetos escalable y seguro, Punto de precio líder de la industria para almacenar datos a los que rara vez se accede, Compile, implemente y escale aplicaciones web eficaces con rapidez y eficiencia. In this post, we are going to refactor our sample Azure DevOps Pipeline to move some of the redundant YAML to a new file and replace the redundant parts of our main YAML file. Limited access user on Azure DevOps on-premise can add/delete folders. Estamos juntos en esto. This book will give you a solid foundation of the best practices in DevOps - from implementing Infrastructure as Code, to building efficient CI/CD pipelines with Azure DevOps, to containerizing your apps with Docker and Kubernetes. Service Connection: Connection name which will used to connect to VM. Awesome, lets look at how running this pipeline looks within Azure DevOps; I am testing against resources deployed in Azure Portal via Terraform , these resources are found here.. Azure Inspec testing found here – these tests will test for:-. ¿Qué es la nube pública, privada e híbrida. Compile, pruebe e implemente aplicaciones de Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, .NET, iOS y Android. Now go try the deployment again, it should work. Azure Boards Plan, track, and discuss work across your teams Azure DevOps Pipelines: Reusable YAML. This book will cover the DevOps practices implementation that helps to achieve speed for faster time to market using transformation in culture using people, processes, and tools. Ê This book discusses the definition of Cloud computing and ... First, go to the Azure DevOps Pipeline module. Azure DevOps Server (previously known as TFS) allows you to work in the cloud or on-premises using Azure DevOps Services. This book will help you iteratively develop high quality secure software using Agile techniques. I came up with the following workflow to deploy the templates to Azure. Se ha encontrado dentroNote 2: As we [Microsoft] are launching this new experience in preview, we are currently optimizing it for Azure ... References: QUESTION 10 Note: ... You can find the code of the demo on Github. Explore recursos y herramientas de Azure que le ayudarán a sortear la COVID-19. This platform was designed to empower you with every client, every time. Get Azure innovation everywhere—bring the agility and innovation of cloud computing to your on-premises workloads. Minimice la interrupción de su negocio con soluciones rentables de copia de seguridad y recuperación ante desastres. Conozca la infraestructura en la nube sostenible y de confianza con más regiones que cualquier otro proveedor. Terraform starter project for Azure Pipelines Contents Templates 101 Basic Terraform job 201 Separate Plan and Apply stages 301 Deploy hosted agent VMs How to use the templates Variables and state management Secrets management Generate secrets with Terraform Manage secrets with Azure DevOps Getting started Azure DevOps pipeline Usage on non-master branch Local development … Referencing Variable Groups in Azure DevOps Pipeline templates is quite simple - in this blog post, I will show how you can do this! Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 207A pipeline platform is required to complete a full GitOps installation. Some popular pipeline tools that complement GitOps include Jenkins, Azure DevOps pipelines, and CircleCI. Pipelines automate and connect Git pull requests to the ... Azure Pipeline is a cloud service that we can use to build and test our code project automatically. Obtenga compatibilidad total con canalizaciones de CI/CD para las principales plataformas y herramientas. In this article, I will be covering Azure devops pipelines build and release pipeline. while offering incredible value to your client's experience. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 339The same set of capabilities exist for Azure DevOps as referenced in Figure 4.61 where Source Code Repository and Azure DevOps Pipeline are presented. Much more about Azure DevOps is discussed in Chapter 8 where deployments are covered ... Ya tengo creado este recurso necesario. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 55We will use Azure Pipelines to deploy the Azure Resource Manager template. Azure Pipelines is part of Azure DevOps. DEFINITION Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to automatically build and test code, publish it to other ... If the tests fail for a pull request, I can just tell the contributor to "ping me on green". Microsoft Azure DevOps services enable companies to plan effectively, collaborate efficiently, and ship quickly with modern dev tools. According to Microsoft “ DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to your end users.”. Log in to your Azure account at We will see this … Azure DevOps - Grant pipeline permissions to access a git repository with REST API. First, you can go to the Pipelines tab and click a new pipeline. When you deliver a high-quality, professionally experience it leads to massive client satisfaction. Use a pipeline to automatically build and test your .NET Core projects. Task 3: Create a SSH Service Connection in Azure DevOps. Just like you, we'll promise to meet you where you are at and strategically position you for success. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 113There are also resources that aren't deployed using ARM, such as DNS or Azure App Services Certificates. These can also be run in Azure DevOps Pipelines, as you can see in Figure 15: Figure 15: Pipeline sample ... Recently I have blogged a few posts relating to this, which I … Explore e implemente una gran variedad de tareas de compilación, pruebas e implementación creadas por la comunidad, junto con cientos de extensiones, desde Slack hasta SonarCloud. In Azure DevOps pipeline, we can add a task to generate database migration SQL script. Recursos compartidos de archivos en la nube de nivel empresarial sencillos, seguros y sin servidor. We are enthusiastic about client results! What You Will Learn Work with Azure build-and-release pipelines Extend the capabilities and features of Azure pipelines Understand build, package, and deployment strategies, and versioning and patterns with Azure pipelines Create ... It helps you to create pipelines for continuous deployment to the server. KEY FEATURESÊÊ _ Understand how and when Continuous Integration makes a difference _ Learn how to create Declarative Pipeline for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery _ Understand the importance of Continuous Code Inspection and ... Utilice trabajos de contenedor para crear compilaciones coherentes y confiables justo con las herramientas que necesita. Navigate to 'Pipelines' in Azure DevOps. Triggers after committing to the master branch; Uses the latest windows machine to build a solution in Release mode 1. Busque en un catálogo completo con más de 17 000 aplicaciones y servicios certificados. Today, I explain how to deploy a database and data through Azure DevOps Pipelines. Planee una ruta clara para su proceso de adopción de la nube con herramientas, guías y recursos probados. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 406Learn more about file matching patterns at tasks/file-matching-patterns?view=azure-devops&viewFallbackFrom=vsts. In this recipe, we have learned how to create and configure a task for ... Aporte la agilidad y la innovación de la nube a las cargas de trabajo de su entorno local. Microsoft Azure Cloud for Deployments and Azure DevOps Pipelines. Consiga compilaciones a la velocidad del rayo con la ejecución en paralelo de trabajos y pruebas. Ayude a proteger los datos, las aplicaciones y la infraestructura con servicios de seguridad de confianza. Obtenga superequipos de un solo inquilino y totalmente administrados con almacenamiento de alto rendimiento y sin movimiento de datos. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 177The application will be deployed into the namespace you specified during the pipeline creation. ... Azure DevOps documentation: devops/?view=azure-devops Azure Pipelines documentation: ... When they move and feel amazing ... you get referrals. With Azure Pipelines you can build and deploy your code written in any language using any platform, no problem. Follow the steps below to familiarize yourself with the Azure DevOps build and release pipelines. Creating a new pipeline. This post is going to build on the Azure DevOps project created in previous posts. If you are just joining this series check out the previous posts to find out how the project has progressed. The following is the YAML for our current pipeline that builds two different web applications using two different jobs. Conozca el valor y la economía de migrar a Azure. Azure DevOps Pipelines with Terraform. Introduce the second source repository. Azure pipelines are used mainly to automate your build and deployments by using Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI & CD). Azure DevOps is a platform that helping to improve SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Azure DevOps: Building Projects Targeting .NET 6 This is a quick post on how you can build a project targetting .NET 6 in Azure DevOps Pipelines. Azure DevOps tiene una Keep there a track in some database or other form of state that pipeline A was run for commit 32563456 and then when Pipeline B will run for the same commit and your function is being notified you will trigger this pipeline from Azure Function. Improve Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines with Templates. Azure DevOps Servicios para que los equipos compartan código, supervisen el trabajo y distribuyan software. Azure DevOps UI provides an option to trigger multiple days or once a week. Implemente soluciones en Kubernetes, máquinas virtuales, Azure Functions, Azure Web Apps o cualquier nube. Custom version numbers in Azure DevOps yaml pipelines January 10, 2020 11 minute read . … Utilice fases, validaciones y aprobaciones para crear una estrategia de implementación adecuada para su caso que garantice la calidad en cada paso. Puede usar Azure Pipelines con la mayoría de los tipos de aplicación, como Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, .NET, C++, Go, PHP y XCode. Cree aplicaciones con más rapidez al no tener que administrar la infraestructura. Azure Subscription: needed to provision the Azure services for this demonstration. Consiga 10 trabajos paralelos gratis con minutos de compilación ilimitados para todos los proyectos de código abierto. Acelere el tiempo de comercialización, ofrezca experiencias innovadoras y mejore la seguridad con la modernización de las aplicaciones y los datos en Azure. Now we need to specify a few information like the following: Display name: The name of SSH task which will be displayed. Proporcione a los clientes lo que necesitan mediante una experiencia de compra personalizada, escalable y segura. When you save the pipeline to the main branch, it will start running, create an artifact and deploy all resources to Azure. Se ha encontrado dentro – Página 324In this recipe, we learned to integrate pipelines with Azure DevOps Git and to manually deploy the pipeline to the test and production environments. In the next recipe, we'll set up automatic pipeline deployment using a pipeline in ... Create an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web App and Docker Files. Select Build Pipelines from the top of the Azure DevOps project dashboard. Descubra ahora el impacto de la tecnología cuántica en Azure. Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines – deploy to on-premise targets using Environments Deployment from the Azure DevOps cloud service to on-premise servers can be done in either a pull or push setup. I’m a fan of semantic versioning, especially for software meant to be consumed by other developers, such as NuGet packages.If you want to use semantic versioning however, it means you need to have some control over the version number that gets assigned to your software by your build system. Azure DevOps is a cloud-based service for CI/CD pipeline provided by Microsoft. Implemente contenedores en hosts individuales o en Kubernetes. I have 2 build pipelines in my azure devops project, one for building source code and the other one is for making the setup. Llegue a sus clientes en todas partes y en todos los dispositivos con una única compilación de aplicación móvil. Just like you, we'll promise to meet you where you are at and strategically position you for success. Pushing to Protected Github Branch from Azure DevOps pipeline. Create another pipeline under the Azure DevOps project referring to the file created above. Cree aplicaciones web de mensajería en tiempo real fácilmente con WebSockets y el patrón de publicación-suscripción. Cree soluciones de IoT abiertas e interoperables que protejan y modernicen los sistemas industriales. 2. Learn how the team streamlined collaboration with the open source community through shared tooling and moving to a single CI system that powers all their builds for Windows, Linux, and Mac. Learn how to: Set up your build environment with Microsoft-hosted or self-hosted agents.

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